O Ecoar

é um universo fantasioso e distópico, repleto de moralidades acinzentadas, mas com lindos detalhes coloridos. Às vezes, as cores acabam sendo vermelho carmesim.

Caso esteja interessado nas histórias do Ecoar, clique no botão logo abaixo.

Só não o contemple por muito tempo, ou ele irá te contemplar de volta.

The Echoing

is a fantastic and dystopic universe, full of grey moralities, but with beautiful colorful details. Sometimes, this colors end up being crimson red.

If you are interested in the histories of Ecoar, click on the button right below

Just don't gaze it much longer, or it may gaze back at you.

What is the Echoing?

“Just as an echo created by a sound gets weaker by every repetition, the Echo of a persona also languishes with every Echoing. It has never been about immortality, only new chances equally doomed to end.” – Maeve Dupont

The Echoing (o Ecoar) is the name of the ressurection proccess some of the more obstinate personas and with greater willpower go through, and when the ones who do it are called Echoes. It is uncertain what makes someone fit to the Echoing, but researches everywhere seek to discover the secret of this immortality.

This translation is still in progress, hang on!

Soon enough, all the website will be translated to english.